Another of our Instructors have shared their story on becoming a successful Hypnobirthing Instructor with TCBS – I think you’ll agree, it’s inspiring, thanks Charlotte! I came to hypnobirthing late in my second pregnancy. My first labour and birth had been traumatic...
From Stressful Beginnings to Blooming Success: How Hypnobirthing Transformed My Journey into a Thriving Baby Business
"Hi! I’m Sarah, a mum of three from Ickenham in North-West London. As well as being a qualified primary school teacher, I am the owner of the Blooming Wonderful Baby Hub. I teach online and in-person hypnobirthing and birth preparation classes, baby massage and baby...
From Disconnect to Empowerment: My Journey to Becoming a successful Hypnobirthing Instructor
My journey began in 2020 when I had an unnecessary induction that left me feeling like I had missed out on an important part of motherhood. When I went in for my scheduled induction, I learned it was an “elective induction”. I was confused because I never “elected”...
What makes a great hypnobirthing instructor?
Welcome to the Aspiring Hypnobirthing Instructor podcast. I'm your host, Liz Stanford, Hypnobirthing instructor, Hypnobirthing trainer, hypnotherapist mindset coach, author and owner of The Calm Birth School. In this podcast, we get to explore all the reasons why you...