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it was a moment of relief and happiness that still gets us both when we talk about it

Thank you to Hannah and Jon for sharing the story of Jesse’s birth. This lovely couple did a TCBS Hypnobirthing course with Anna Owen from Rock Your Birth based in Worcestershire, UK.

“With our ‘EDD’ 11 days behind us and the ‘induction’ word being thrown about, we were keen to continue doing all we could to get our little one to join us soon. After 2 sweeps, one very long walk, a tasty Sunday roast (whilst watching Forest Gump) and a long bath later, we headed to bed for an early night.

At 9pm, we were talking and holding my tummy only to hear a loud pop/ crunch and my tummy moved. Nothing quite prepared us for that so we were a little concerned something wasn’t right- only to sit up and realise it was my waters!! 🙂

We spent the next 6 hours at home, using all the techniques we had learned. I spent most the time on the birth ball with low lighting, the diffuser and music on. 2am and after my surges progressing to a minute long, 4 minutes apart for a good hour and a half, Jon (awesome husband) ran me a bath. I stayed in the bath for an hour or so to relax through my surges as best I could.

We left the house (car pre-warmed and dressing gown at the ready following Anna’s advice) at 3.30am and made our way to the Meadow Birth Centre.

On arrival we were told that we shouldn’t be in the birth centre (even after we had been given the sign off) however we waited for a change of staff/ shift where we had some incredible midwives supporting our decision to stay, meaning the consultant was happier. We had shared our birth preferences which were really supported by the team at Meadow Birth Centre. We stayed in the suite for the next 13 hours, having a little more monitoring than originally planned but applying the BRAINS technique, we felt we were always able to make our own choices and decisions.

The breathing techniques really helped and kept us both focussed. Jon was incredible, he was my rock throughout the birth, knowing exactly what to say and exactly how to support me, I couldn’t have done it without him.

After 17 hours of labour, with the surges ramping up, I felt the urge to start pushing. The midwives really helped to guide me however after 2 hours of moving positions, our little one wasn’t able to turn into the position meaning his head was struggling to come out. The midwives went through scenarios and our options at this stage as my waters had released at 9pm- meaning we needed to make an informed decision.

We were left to talk through what we wanted to do and we decided it was right for us to move into theatre to get a little helping hand. Being in theatre with the bright lights was quite hard to take after being so relaxed in the birth centre but Jon kept me focussed and calm and at 7.14pm, our little man arrived into the world.

The moment Jesse was placed on my tummy was such an incredible feeling, it was a moment of relief and happiness that still gets us both when we talk about it. 22 hours of labour seemed to go so quickly, we feel truly grateful for the experience we had and the support from everyone, including Anna who made our pregnancy and birth so positive x

If you want to create your own positive birth you can start today!

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