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My wonderful VBAC!

We love a positive VBAC story and this one doesn’t disappoint!

“This is my little Freddie James, born on the 18/12/15 at 9.43am weighing 6lb 14oz.

I started to feel my surges on Thursday afternoon but nothing regular and they continued this way throughout the day, by Thursday night they were coming regular, and after sending my other half to the shop as I needed a cheese and chutney sandwich (urgently!) and after an hour or so’s sleep I called the hospital as they were coming every three minutes.

I decided on a hospital birth as I had to have an emergency c-section with my first and didn’t want to take any chances. The hospital advised me to go in but I was 1cm dilated and so I came home and went to bed, I stayed at home until 6am Friday morning until we thought it was probably best to go back in as my surges were super strong and all in my back. By the time I got back to hospital I was 7cm dilated and straight into the delivery suite! With the help of my amazing partner and midwife, and the things I have learned from the calm birth school, I gave birth completely naturally, with no pain relief or interventions, needing no stitches after to my beautiful little Freddie and it was the most amazing experience of my life!

I just wanted to share for ladies that have had to have a previous c-section, who are worried that they won’t be able to have a natural birth, because I was worried too, but I did it, and loved every second! Thank you calm birth school!!! Xxx

To see how you can create your own calm birth please sign up here:

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