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Massage Techniques During Pregnancy and Birth

In this week’s masterclass Beccy Hands and I talk all things massage.  What makes a good massage technique and of course how to avoid the bad. I love this class as Beccy does some great myth busting about massage only being a therapy for treating muscular aches and pains.  When you are able to work with a therapeutic massage it changes the game in terms of the way they can work and help to enhance your whole energy system.  This can be a powerful, healing and restorative tool during pregnancy, birth and in the postnatal period.     

Prefer to listen in? Check out the audio.

Although some birth partners won’t thank me for saying this ideally you would be enjoying some kind of nurturing touch/massage every single day. 🙂 Yes ladies every day.  Why is this important? Well it works on the same principle as all of the techniques and exercises we talk you through on the course.  Practice makes positive.  Although, some of you won’t want to be touched at all during your labour and birth, for other women a light touch massage or firmer counter pressure can be a great tool for your birth partner to use during this special time.  The more confident your partner feels about what you like and what you don’t like, the more centered and at ease they will feel about getting involved in this way. This can help you to feel safe whilst stimulating more endorphin and oxytocin production. Win, win!

Our advice is as follows:

10 minutes of massage a day (minimum) during your pregnancy.

Birth partner responds to mums wants during birth.

Get a postnatal massage as soon as you can after delivery.

Our magnificent bodies have just birthed a baby, the cell regeneration that is promoted by therapeutic massage is invaluable during those early days, forcing you to rest and helping you to rejuvenate.  You know we don’t like to lay down the law at TCBS, but in this case ;-).  Enjoy the video and don’t forget to let us know what you thought over on the The Calm Birth School page on Facebook.

For those of you haven’t already tested out the free hypnobirthing classes TCBS offers, hop over here to sign up.


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