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Looking Back and Leaping Forward – Happy New Year!

I am hoping that you have had THE best Christmas and are feeling the vibe of 2017 already.  When I reflect on 2016, I can’t help but feel an overwhelming sense of joy. I don’t say that lightly, because I know there has also been a lot of pain and suffering in the world. However, I once heard someone say, ‘no matter how much pain I feel, I’ll never feel enough to take away the pain of another’ and I took that to heart. So instead of looking back in despair, I look forward feeling hopeful as I start to formulate my plan to help do my ‘little bit’, but more of that in a minute. 🙂

So by far the most monumental occurrence in my and my family’s life was of course the arrival of baby Aluna. Oh-m-gee, that girl! She came into the world bringing so much happiness and light with her on that full moon in July and literally turned all of our worlds upside down. Babies do that you see.

They make you feel different.

You see the world from a different perspective.

The things that were once important seem trivial.

These tiny, fragile, vulnerable, wholly dependent beings, bring about with them a whole new world order.

It’s magnificent.

And you (if you haven’t already had yours) have it all to come. And guess what? It’s already started. It starts with your pregnancy.

Taking care of yourself, drinking lots of water, avoiding unnecessary stress and of course preparing for your birth. Preparing for the best start possible has the capacity to set you and your baby up for the most beautiful beginning to this new relationship.

Imagine taking the time out to connect with your baby, so that by the time you feel the first signs of labour you are so in tune with your body that it feels like you and your baby are one.

Imagine feeling each surge rise and fall and knowing how to stay calm, positive and in control.

Imagine knowing that no matter how long, how intense, how powerful things get, (and even if the unexpected happens) you have all the knowledge you need to make the decisions that feel right and are right for you and your family.

Imagine starting this next chapter of your life feeling the strongest, most powerful warrior woman you have ever been.

Of all the amazing things that happened last year, having the opportunity to welcome my new baby into the world in that way was by far the most memorable, significant, joyful and life-affirming experience. And I want that for you too.

If you have already said yes to The Calm Birth School, then all you need to do is invest the time and do the work.

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