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I Was Crying With Joy

This week’s birth story comes from the wonderful Jade who attended a TCBS Hypnobirthing Course with Charlene Ferguson of Boss Mama Birth covering Glasgow, Scotland.

Thank you for sharing your birth story of gorgeous baby Harris!

“My birthing journey started on the 10th of October. I was booked in to have a membrane sweep as baby’s head was measuring bigger than expected. I used the knowledge of BRAINS with my husband to come to the decision that the sweep was the best option for us. The membrane sweep didn’t make a difference in progressing my labour. My husband and myself discussed carefully with the doctor that we would go ahead with having an induction as we wanted to try for a natural birth. I was very excited to be welcoming my baby into this world.


The induction happened in the early hours of the 20th of October. The labour was progressing slowly at first and we made the decision for my doctor to break my waters, after this happened the labour progressed more rapidly. I concentrated on my breathing techniques and listening to the relaxation and meditation MP3s while doing exercise on a pregnancy ball. My husband was the best birthing partner I could ask for, he gave me words of encouragement, constant massages, spoke with the nurses and doctors about my needs which left me to be fully present in my birthing experience.


I was finding the increasing surges more discomforting and requested to have gad and air. This helped me a lot in controlling each surge. I was very concerned about the cramps I was felling in my legs and had asked to receive an epidural, however by the time I had asked for the epidural I was already 9cm dilated so I relied on my breathing techniques, massage from my husband and medical staff and gas and air to push my baby out naturally.


At 7.20 pm on the 20th of October my baby son Harris was born. He was brought to me so I could have skin on skin time with him. In that moment I felt complete unconditional love for him and was so overwhelmed with emotions that I was crying with joy. I can not thank Charlene enough for the positive birthing experience she highlighted to me. Charlene is a wonderful and caring hypnobirthing coach who truly empowered me to have the birthing experience I wished for. Thank you, Charlene, for playing a huge part in my birthing journey.”


If you want to create your own positive birth you can start today!

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