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“I never even made it out of the bathroom…….”

A beautiful birth story here from Sayward, thank you so much for sharing and congratulations on the birth of baby Atlas.

“I thought it was about time I got round to sharing my birth story… My cute little guy, Atlas Jerry Cirillo was born on his due date, 1st December, weighing 6lb 11oz.

As I suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome I spent a lot of time thinking about how best to make sure my labour would be as calm and stress free as possible. I already practiced mindfulness as a way to manage my CFS so when I came across the Calm Birth School it just felt right!

I decided to throw caution to the wind and instead of doing the NCT I decided to place my faith solely in the CBS. Not only did I find hypnobirthing great for helping me to mentally prepare for the birth, I could work through the course at my own pace & from the comfort of my own home which minimised any chance of my symptoms flaring up. It was a win-win!! It also gave me the confidence to make the decision to aim for a home birth.

I had hoped for a water birth and ordered a birth pool from the Community midwife. My due date arrived but unfortunately the pool hadn’t as the one I was meant to get had been returned damaged. I woke up that morning at 5:30am with cramps and went to the loo to discover I had my show. “Don’t get too excited” I said to my other half, “but I think things may be starting”.

My other half started to get ready for work as I didn’t think anything would happen for a while yet and I decided to have a shower. Whilst in the shower I had 2 really big surges & within the space of an hour the surges were coming thick and fast!! I spoke to the midwife & they told me to sit tight as they would probably continue like this for anything up to 12 hours as it was my first birth, I wasn’t convinced but said I’d ring back in an hour if needed. Another hour later and after listening to my MP3s on repeat the surges were less than two minutes apart, the baby was most definitely on his way!!!

My other half was amazing gently rubbing my back and reminding me through each surge that they were only temporary and counting down how long I had left. He was timing them on my phone which I was listening to my MP3s on & getting moral support from my sister on his phone so when he had to ring to find out how long the midwives would be I panicked! “Whatever you do, DO NOT TURN OFF Suzy Ashworth!!!” I yelled.

The midwives arrived just after 8am and not long after at 8:42am Atlas was born!!! In just over 3 hours & without needing any stitches my baby arrived… I was so relaxed through using my CBS techniques & being at home that I never even made it out of the bathroom so even if I had got the pool we wouldn’t even have had time to set it up!! By 9am I was resting in my own bed with my beautiful little boy… My CFS has been fine & with the help of the affirmations & the CBS I have managed to avoid the post birth crash I was dreading!

Suzy, I just want to say a massive thank you… I couldn’t of done it without you!”

To see how you can create your own calm birth please sign up here:

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