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Does Hypnobirthing Really Work?

Does hypnobirthing really work is a question I’ve heard come up time and time again. But the truth is, the only reason why the question arises is because people don’t understand what it really is.

As more and more mamas-to-be start hearing the whispers on an increasingly large grape vine. About other women’s ability to give birth in a way that is not being depicted on soap operas, films and books. Without the drama, panic or the threats of punching people in the face, there’s more and more curiosity about it.

This combined with high profile names and celebrities such as The Duchess of York and Fearne Cotton sharing stories of powerful and euphoric birth experiences more and more women are wanting in on the action. Which is a bloody brilliant thing. However, at some point in the journey to helping women feel empowered about their birth experiences came a message that diluted fundamental truths about the experience of hypnobirthing.

More people who may or may not have had their own hypnobirth experience, have been talking about what hypnobirths ‘SHOULD’ be like. Pain free, silent and deeply meditative are just some of the statements I have heard claimed in from a ‘one-size fits all’ perspective. And quite honestly that message is as much as a dis-service to women who want and deserve to feel great and powerful about their birth experience, as the trite spouted by the other end of the spectrum, that birth is something to be endured for the sake of the beautiful little baby you get to hold at the end.

The truth as always, lies in the middle of these two extremes. Having enjoyed two very different home hypnobirthing experiences, one consisting of contrasting feelings of bliss and ecstasy as well as intensity and doubt at some points. And another birth where I stayed completely within my power as I allowed my body to do exactly what I needed it to do without any interference from myself or my support team. Both of these experiences were powerful and life affirming hypnobirths.

Hypnobirthing isn’t about how loud or quiet you are.

Whether you have a natural or an assisted birth.

Whether you love every minute and feel the power and intensity of each surge like a juggernaut coursing through your body.

When a woman feels positive about her birth experience, it may or may not contain elements of everything I have described above. And the woman who roars like a lioness feeling every sensation with acute intensity, will have experienced as equally a valid hypnobirth as the women who internalizes her energy and births peacefully in the corner.


The thing that makes a hypnobirth a hypnobirth is the removal of fear about birth. It’s the understanding that our baby’s and body knows what to do and even in the rare instances where a woman may need assistance, an understanding of how to stay calm.

How to ask questions.

How to communicate her needs and wishes from a place of power that will enable her to stay and feel positive about her experience.

The message I feel very fortunate enough to share with thousands of Calm Birth School students from across the world, is that birth can be empowering and positive. You can stay calm, relaxed and in control regardless of how your baby enters into the world when you have learnt how to let go of fear, work with the biology and physiology of the body and know how to set up your birth environment and team in a way that is going to support and nurture you, during what should be the most magical experience of your life.

So does hypnobirthing work? When we stop putting labels on what a hypnobirthing experience should look like and understand that it’s about creating women who feel positive and empowered pre, during and after their birth experiences….Absobloodylutely.

So if you’re ready to start your hypnobirthing journey The Calm Birth School way sign up for 3 Free videos sent straight to your inbox so you can see what thousands of women from across the world are raving about  

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