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birth that I actually enjoyed!

This week’s birth story comes from a lovely couple Millie and Jordan who attended a TCBS Hypnobirthing Course with Bryony Bugg of Beefearless Hypnobirthing based in Cyprus as well as running On-Line courses. 

Thank you for sharing this wonderful story with is! 

Friday 5th Feb I was 38+6 and my consultant and Dave had asked myself if I was comfortable having a sweep because of my previous Cholestasis it was more of a precaution. I used BRAIN and decided to go for it. Once Dave had done the sweep he said I was already 2cm and baby was low down I felt positive and happy! After a few hours I had some twinges but nothing more than the Braxton hicks I had been getting. The weekend had past and baby was still quite happy inside, so I was booked in for another sweep on Monday 8th Feb. 


During the 2nd sweep Dave stopped and calmly informed me I needed to go to the hospital as my waters were bulging and I was in fact 5cm! I felt really excited I knew I was going to meet my baby very soon. 


On the way to the hospital, I had my TENS machine on for the few twinges I was getting but again they really just felt like braxton hicks and weren’t regular at all. We were laughing and joking in the car and listening to our birth playlist, I felt calm and relaxed the entire time. We arrived at the hospital at 12pm we had to get a covid test before entering but they were really quick and lovely, we were shown to our room by 12.20pm. 


Jordan set to work at setting the room up making it dimly lit, putting Mean Girls on the iPad for me to watch while I was bouncing on the ball. My midwife who was amazing throughout asked to put a wireless monitor on me to which I accepted. We had something to eat and went for a short walk but still nothing was happening. 

My consultant came in at around 3pm and asked me if I wanted my waters breaking? I asked if we could leave it a couple more hours to see if they would go naturally to which he was happy to do as baby was very happy inside. We went for another walk around and did some light touch massage. Unfortunately, all twinges had stopped and I was getting a little fed up so around 5pm I had my waters broken, I breathed my way through it and was super relaxed. Once my waters had released the surges started to come more regular and more intense. Jordan put some lavender in the diffuser he turned on the tea lights and started our birth playlist, he got me a cold flannel to place behind my neck and I just kept breathing my way through each surge telling myself everyone was bringing me closer to meeting my baby. 


Our midwife was amazing she stayed in the room the whole time massaging my back so Jordan could keep breathing with me and saying positive affirmations to me. I was starting to feel my body tensing with each surge and could feel I was getting a little worked up so I had asked to be examined. My midwife informed me I was between 7-8cm and just kept telling me how amazing I was doing. I had asked for some gas and air at this point because I wanted my body to relax and I felt much more at ease once I started on that. 


Around 7pm I said I felt pressure and felt like I needed to breath baby down so my midwife said it was time to go to the delivery room. I was a bit thrown off at this because I really didn’t want to leave our perfect room but I just kept breathing, kept focused and I kept telling myself my baby would be in my arms soon. In the delivery room I started making some real funny noises I sounded like a cow! I could feel my baby making his way down with every surge. I remember asking for an epidural and a c section and Jordan telling me I didn’t really want these!! this was the transition stage and it meant baby would be in my arms within a matter of minutes! I was uncomfortable on all fours so my consultant said to try and go on my back with my legs up to which I did and within 15 minutes of pushing Billy was born safely. I had a small tear from where I had previously torn with my last labour but he said it didn’t require stitches absolute bonus! 


I was in active labour for just short of 3 hours compared to my last 24 hour labour! I never would’ve thought I could have such an amazing birth that I actually enjoyed! That’s all down to hypnobirthing. Thank you again Bryony for everything you taught myself and Jordan it was truly amazing. 


If you want to create your own positive birth you can start today! 

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