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Birth Story Of the Week

Our birth story this week has been shared with us by Naomi Isted. Congratulations Naomi on the birth of your beautiful baby Rocco!

Our beautiful big boy Rocco James was born 2nd April at 9.55am weighing 10.1lbs by c-section. It was the most beautiful experience ever. We found out at the start of the week he was very big and both the doctors & I felt a caesarean would be the safest option. I was initially distressed as I had been working so hard for months at my hypnobirthing and wanting a water birth. But the safety of my child came first. I decided I would embrace the experience and bring my hypnobirthing into everything. This time round the birth was a breeze, I was wide awake alert and could fully appreciate the beautiful experience with my husband. I used my breathing throughout all the stages from theatre to recovery and it has helped me incredibly. I was discharged within 24hrs, at my stepdaughters birthday within 48hrs and celebrating Easter at my mums 72hrs later. He latched on immediately after he was born and fed for 1.5 hours. I couldn’t have been happier and want to thank the @calmbirthschool for all the skills and reassurance I needed to enjoying a blissful birth and recovery this time round.

We’d love to hear your birth story and share it in our Birth Story of the Week Blog.

To see how you can create your own calm birth please sign up here:

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