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Birth story of the week

This week’s birth story has been shared with us by the amazing Lisa.

Remo Ray was born on Tuesday the 17th March 2015, weighing 4.08kg (8lb 16oz) at 9.58pm. I could not have made it through my labour (19 hours) without the techniques I have learnt in the course. The breathing techniques, affirmations (I made some affirmation bunting), mp3s and especially the visualizations helped me birth my baby naturally (in the end I needed an epidural to keep going but avoided a c-section as the nurses were so ready to prepare me for) and avoid too many interventions. I am overwhelmed with gratitude and love for my little baba. Thank you ladies of The Calm Birth School x

If you would like to share your birth story with us, we would love to hear from you 🙂

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