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My Whirlwind Labour!

We just loved this birth story from Alice so we had to share it:

“I’m so proud to introduce my darling Constance Joan Nicholson (Connie). Born 30/12/15 at 21:20 weighing 6lb 8oz. Here’s my birth story!

Very early labour started with a long dog walk (although I didn’t realise this at the time!) I had achy back and period type pains which I just put down to being heavier than ever before!

Then on Wednesday morning I had my show and spent some time listening to mp3s trying to relax and not get my hopes up that this was it!

Throughout the day my “period pains” got more intense and I finally decided that these were in fact surges and maybe I should leave Nandos and go home to relax and practise my breathing techniques.

When I arrived home the surges had become stronger and I plugged in my phone to listen to the fear release and powerball MP3s.

We arrived at the birthing centre at 19:30 and was already 5cm dilated. A very quick and whirlwind 1hour 50mins later my beautiful baby GIRL was born in her amniotic sac in the pool with the help of some gas & air.

My birth was everything I had hoped for and I absolutely believe that without The Calm Birth School I would never have managed to stay home and stay confident throughout and achieve such a wonderful birthing experience.

My husband was never fully convinced about the techniques that we learnt (although always being 100% supportive) and that they would make any difference to our experience but I’m happy to say, we have a fully-fledged hypnobirthing convert!

Thank you so much Suzy & Hollie

To see how you can create your own calm birth please sign up here:

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